brazilian | 18
i use after effects
average hxh enjoyer
🛒 payhip (editing stuff )

my animations &
manga comps ↓

Hunter x Hunter:
- Alluka
- Morena Prudo (manga + animations + art)
- Theta
- Fugetsu & Kacho
- Tserriednich
- Hinrigh
- Camilla
- Oito
Chainsaw Man part 2

tag me if u use it <3

hxh 2011 scenepacks (not mine)

credit killulcomps pls!!- All hxh characters scenepacks
- Hxh manga comps
- Main 4 official art
- Openings & endings
(they have scenepacks for every hxh character so pls remember to credit them!)


- Killua/Killugon/Alluka comps (cr @killusu)
- Pariston and Ging manga (cr @lmaowaffle)
- Hxh Movies (cr animeraws)
- 2011 raw episodes (cr animeraws)
- 1999 raw episodes (cr animeraws)


❗ i just made this carrd to help everyone find the comps easily bc these editors quitted but their comps are still useful ♡ ❗